Artist Statement


Finalist, Noosa Art Prize

Gallery Finalist, Rotary Brisbane Art Show 

Roam 2024, Aspire Gallery

Tower Art Show




Gallery Finalist, Petite Pieces 2023, Aspire Gallery

Online Finalist, Lethbridge 20,000 Small Scale (Artwork Sold)

Gallery Finalist, Rotary Brisbane Art Show (Artworks Sold)


My work is driven by the desire to immerse the viewer deep into the piece, using bold brush strokes, palette knife and tools to create texture and painterly style that captures an impression of my lived experience. I work primarily in oil paint on board or linen as I love the rich depth and vibrancy that high quality oils create.

Currently I have two main themes that seem to keep me busy. Urban cityscapes, places of interest in and around Brisbane and South-East Queensland along with wildlife and animals. One day these may mix together, but who knows!

I regularly venture into popular parks on weekends to capture moments in time, colour and light! Not only do I love interacting with passers-by and my fellow painting buddies, but painting on location helps to continually refine my skills, working fast and intuitively to tell visual stories. Some of these plein air works become larger pieces back in the studio, referencing the smaller piece rather than the photographic record.

I am intrigued by Australian wildlife and using animal portraiture that distinctly focuses on the eyes of “sitter” is how I interpret their journey. It can be quirky, serious, playful, thoughtful or reflective but either way it encourages us consider our lives if we were part of theirs.


Although bubbling in my mind, I haven’t always been a painter or artist. But the arts has always been connected to my life’s journey. I studied music from an early age, but throughout high school excelled at visual arts as there wasn’t school music classes and didn’t think I could be a professional artist.

So I studied percussion at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music, which lead to a fabulous professional music career, performing with the Queensland Symphony Orchestra for 12 years.

After a life changing trip to Africa, in my late 20s my over-active and curious mind discovered web design and technology and so began my next chapter. I studied an MBA and Digital technologies and started a digital agency with a focus on user experience design, which 20 years later I still own and run as a successful entrepreneur.

Now I am fully committed to regularly producing works that resonate with my creative drive and community.

I am looking forward to the next chapter that my creative practice will bring.